Baba - The Sneaky Tortoise
The Sneaky Tortoise
The Sneaky Tortoise
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In the heart of the savannah, there lived a tortoise known for his wit and wisdom. One bright day, he crossed paths with a boastful hare who challenged him to a race. Mocking the tortoise’s slowness, the hare declared confidently that victory was a certainty.

Determined to prove the hare wrong, the tortoise accepted the challenge. The race was set to begin at dawn the next day, with the animals of the savannah as witnesses. As the sun peeked over the horizon, the hare shot ahead, leaving the tortoise far behind.

Confident in his lead, the hare decided to take a nap under a shady acacia tree. Meanwhile, the tortoise plodded along steadily, never losing sight of his goal. By the time the hare awoke, it was too late - the tortoise had crossed the finish line.

The animals cheered for the tortoise, who had taught the hare a valuable lesson in humility. From that day on, the hare kept his boasts in check, while the tortoise continued to be respected for his quiet determination.

Morals of Story:
Pride comes before a fall. It's better to be slow and steady than fast and careless.
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