Baba - The Argumentative Antelope and the Stubborn Gazelle
The Argumentative Antelope and the Stubborn Gazelle
The Argumentative Antelope and the Stubborn Gazelle
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Once upon a time in the vast plains of Africa, there lived an argumentative antelope named Akello and a stubborn gazelle named Tembo. They were known far and wide for their strong personalities and unwavering opinions.

One hot day, as they both approached a lush grazing spot abundant with fresh grass, they found themselves face to face. Akello claimed the spot was rightfully hers as she had been grazing there for years, while Tembo insisted that it was time for a change and he deserved a chance to enjoy the greenery.

With tempers flaring, the two animals refused to back down. They argued back and forth for hours, drawing the attention of other creatures in the vicinity. As the dispute escalated, a wise old elephant named Jafari happened to pass by and observed the commotion.

Jafari calmly approached Akello and Tembo and asked them to consider the bigger picture. He pointed out that there was plenty of grass for both of them to share and that their stubbornness was only causing unnecessary conflict and tension.

Seeing the sense in Jafari’s words, Akello and Tembo finally relented. They decided to put their differences aside and agreed to graze together peacefully, realizing that cooperation was far more beneficial than stubbornness and pride.

In the end, the once quarrelsome duo became unlikely friends, sharing the grazing spot harmoniously and enjoying each other’s company. Their newfound understanding and humility taught them an important lesson about the value of compromise and cooperation.

Morals of Story:
Pride and stubbornness can lead to unnecessary conflicts and missed opportunities for mutual benefit.
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