Baba - Nisha and Kavia, The Clever Wandering Merchants
Nisha and Kavia, The Clever Wandering Merchants
Nisha and Kavia, The Clever Wandering Merchants
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Once upon a time in the great jungle of Fora, there were two clever wandering girl merchants named Nisha and Kavia. They were known far and wide for their sharp wit and kind hearts.

As they journeyed through the lush green forest, they came across a mischievous monkey who had stolen their precious fruits. β€œOh no, our fruits are gone!” exclaimed Nisha.

The monkey chattered and swung from tree to tree, teasing the girls. But Nisha and Kavia did not lose heart. They whispered to each other and came up with a plan.

β€œLet’s offer the monkey something even tastier in exchange for our fruits,” suggested Kavia. Nisha nodded in agreement and they laid out a trail of honey-covered nuts leading to their fruits.

The monkey, enticed by the sweet scent, followed the trail eagerly and fell into their trap. As he enjoyed the delicious nuts, Nisha and Kavia retrieved their fruits and continued on their journey.

Morals of Story:
Quick thinking and cooperation can help overcome tricky situations.
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