Baba - Quira's Unyielding Spirit
Quira's Unyielding Spirit
Quira's Unyielding Spirit
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Once upon a time in the great jungle of Fora, there lived a strong-willed desert wanderer named Quira. Quira was known far and wide for her fearless spirit and unwavering determination in the face of any challenge.

One day, as Quira was exploring a new part of the jungle, she encountered a large boulder blocking her path. Determined to continue her journey, Quira tried pushing and pulling the boulder with all her might, but it wouldn’t budge.

Frustrated but not defeated, Quira sat down to catch her breath. As she looked around, she noticed a group of tiny ants working together to move a fallen leaf that was blocking their path. Inspired by their teamwork, Quira decided to seek help.

Quira gathered the other animals in the jungle, from the monkeys swinging in the trees to the birds flying overhead, and together they pushed and pulled the boulder until it finally moved out of the way. Quira’s unwavering spirit and the animals’ teamwork had triumphed over the obstacle.

Morals of Story:
Persistence and determination can help us overcome obstacles, no matter how difficult they may seem.
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