Baba - The Lost Oasis
The Lost Oasis
The Lost Oasis
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Quira, a brave desert wanderer, was on a journey with her clever friends Nisha and Kavia. They were searching for the mysterious magical oasis that could grant any wish.

As the sun beat down on them, they stumbled upon a fork in the dusty path. Nisha suggested going left, but Kavia thought right was the correct way.

Quira, known for her strong will, proposed a plan. She said, “Let’s split up temporarily. Nisha, you go left, and Kavia, you go right. We will meet at the bottom of the dune.”

The separated friends found themselves facing tall sand dunes and mirages. Nisha realized her path led to dead ends, while Kavia encountered treacherous quicksand.

Remembering Quira’s advice, they reunited at the bottom of the dune and combined their strengths. With Nisha’s intuition and Kavia’s wit, they uncovered the hidden oasis.

The oasis shimmered in the distance, surrounded by palm trees and cool water. Quira and her friends realized that their unity and determination had led them to the magical oasis.

Morals of Story:
Bravery and friendship can help us overcome challenges.
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