Baba - The Shining Star
The Shining Star
The Shining Star
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One night, Ravi was busy mapping the jungle under the silvery moonlight when Luna fluttered down from the treetops, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. “What are you searching for, Ravi?” she asked, her wings rustling softly.

Ravi showed Luna his map, pointing to a spot where a bright star had fallen from the sky, leaving a trail of shimmering light. Luna’s wise eyes widened with wonder, and she suggested they follow the star’s path to uncover its mystery.

As they journeyed deep into the jungle, they encountered obstacles like a rushing river and a steep cliff. Ravi used his mapmaking skills to find safe paths, while Luna’s keen eyes spotted hidden dangers, guiding them through safely.

Finally, they reached a clearing where the shining star lay nestled among colorful flowers. Its light danced playfully around them, filling their hearts with joy and wonder. Ravi and Luna realized that the star had brought them together on a magical adventure of friendship and discovery.

Morals of Story:
Curiosity leads to wonderful discoveries.
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