Baba - The Lost Seedling
The Lost Seedling
The Lost Seedling
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One day, Asha and Kian were exploring the Great Fora Jungle when they stumbled upon a tiny seedling peeking out from the ground. Asha, with her kind heart, wanted to care for it and watch it grow. Kian, on the other hand, thought it was just a weed that needed to be removed.

Asha gently explained to Kian that the seedling could one day become a beautiful flower, providing joy and beauty to the forest. Kian saw Asha’s passion and decided to help nurture the seedling together.

They worked as a team, giving the seedling water and sunlight every day. As time passed, the seedling began to grow taller and stronger, blooming into a vibrant flower that brought colors and happiness to the jungle.

Morals of Story:
Kindness and teamwork can help solve problems and bring happiness.
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