Baba - The Rainbow Seashell
The Rainbow Seashell
The Rainbow Seashell
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One sunny day, Lily was strolling along the sandy beach when she stumbled upon a colorful seashell sparkling under the sunlight. “Wow, this seashell is so pretty!” she exclaimed, holding it up to her ear.

To her surprise, the seashell spoke, “Thank you for picking me up, dear Lily. I’ve been waiting for someone kind like you to find me.” Lily’s eyes widened in amazement as she realized this was no ordinary seashell.

The seashell shared that it had the power to grant wishes to those who showed kindness. Lily was overjoyed and decided to selflessly wish for something special for her friend who always shared his toys with her.

As soon as Lily made her wish, a magical rainbow emerged from the seashell, circling around her and her friend. They found themselves surrounded by a shower of colorful flowers and giggles filled the air.

From that day on, Lily and her friend learned that true happiness comes from spreading kindness and gratitude to others, just like the magical seashell had shown them.

Morals of Story:
Kindness and gratitude bring unexpected joy.
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