Baba - Amia and the Lost Sunbeam
Amia and the Lost Sunbeam
Amia and the Lost Sunbeam
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One sunny morning, Amia was fluttering through the jungle, spreading her magical flower dust, when she noticed something odd. The bright sunbeam that always shone through the trees was missing, casting shadows where there should have been light.

“Oh no, where did the sunbeam go?” exclaimed Amia, her wings fluttering with worry. She followed the shadows to a dense thicket, where she found a mischievous monkey playing with a shiny glass orb that had trapped the sunbeam inside.

“Mr. Monkey, would you please let the sunbeam out? The flowers need its warmth to bloom,” Amia asked kindly. The monkey scowled, reluctant to give up his new toy. But with a gentle smile and a sprinkle of flower dust, Amia persuaded him to release the sunbeam back into the sky.

As the sunbeam returned to its rightful place, the jungle was once again filled with light and warmth. The flowers bloomed brighter than ever, and the monkey learned that sharing kindness brings more joy than keeping things for oneself.

Morals of Story:
Kindness and determination can brighten even the darkest paths.
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