Baba - Baba's Berry Dilemma
Baba's Berry Dilemma
Baba's Berry Dilemma
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One sunny morning, Baba skipped into the garden, excited to pick fresh berries for her breakfast.

As she reached for the juiciest berry, she realized her favorite basket had a big hole. “Oh no!” Baba exclaimed, feeling puzzled.

“What’s wrong, Baba?” chirped Robin, her feathered friend. Baba pouted, “My basket is broken. How can I carry all these yummy berries home now?”

Wise Mr. Owl overheard and suggested, “Let’s weave a new basket using these vines and leaves.” Baba’s eyes sparkled with joy at the idea.

With teamwork and creativity, Baba and her woodland friends weaved a beautiful basket, perfect for carrying berries.

Baba hugged her friends, grateful for their help. “Thank you for teaching me that together we can fix anything,” she beamed.

Morals of Story:
Sometimes asking for help and working together can solve big problems.
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