Baba - Baba's Lost Button
Baba's Lost Button
Baba's Lost Button
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Baba loved her shiny yellow button, which she attached to her blanket. But one day, it disappeared! “Oh no, where’s my button gone?” Baba asked worriedly, looking around her room.

Determined to find it, Baba searched under her bed, in her toy box, and even in the garden. “Button, where are you?” she called out with a frown. But the button was nowhere to be found.

Feeling sad, Baba sat down on the doorstep, close to tears. Just then, her neighbor Mrs. Owl passed by. “What’s the matter, Baba?” she chirped kindly.

Baba explained her dilemma, and Mrs. Owl suggested, “Let’s retrace your steps, dear. Maybe you dropped it outside while playing.” Encouraged, Baba followed Mrs. Owl’s advice.

As they reached the swing in the garden, Baba’s eyes widened with surprise. There, tangled in the swing’s rope, was her lost button! “Hooray! I found it!” Baba exclaimed joyfully, thanking Mrs. Owl for her help.

Morals of Story:
Don't give up when faced with a problem. Keep looking and ask for help if needed.
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