Baba - Baba's Colorful Adventure
Baba's Colorful Adventure
Baba's Colorful Adventure
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One sunny morning, Baba was exploring the dusty old attic in her house. Among the cobwebs and forgotten trinkets, she discovered a colorful paint set.

Excited, Baba rushed downstairs to show her parents. “Look what I found! Can I paint with these, please?” she pleaded.

“Of course, dear,” her parents smiled. “But be careful not to spill the paint.”

With her imagination running wild, Baba painted a bright yellow sun, a green grassy field, and a blue sparkling lake.

As she painted, Baba accidentally mixed the colors and created a messy brown blob. She frowned, unsure of what to do.

Remembering what her parents taught her, Baba decided to turn the blob into a happy little pup by adding some ears, a tail, and a big smile.

Baba’s makeshift pup turned out to be the most adorable painting she had ever made! She learned that mistakes can lead to unexpected beauty.

Morals of Story:
Creativity leads to fun and discovery.
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