Baba - Baba's Magic Seeds
Baba's Magic Seeds
Baba's Magic Seeds
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One sunny morning, Baba was playing in her backyard when she stumbled upon a small pouch of shiny seeds hidden under a bush. “Wow, what are these?” Baba exclaimed with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

She decided to plant the seeds in a small pot and patiently waited for something magical to happen. Days went by, and Baba watered the seeds diligently, eagerly anticipating their growth.

To Baba’s amazement, colorful flowers began to bloom from the seeds. The vibrant petals swirled like rainbows, filling the air with a sweet fragrance. Baba’s backyard transformed into a magical garden of wonder.

Baba couldn’t contain her joy and ran to her family, shouting, “Look at the magic seeds! They turned into beautiful flowers!” Her family marveled at the sight and joined Baba in taking care of the enchanting garden.

Morals of Story:
Curiosity leads to wonderful discoveries.
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