Baba - The Lost Sparkle
The Lost Sparkle
The Lost Sparkle
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Once upon a time in a vibrant meadow, lived Lily the Ladybug. She was known for her shimmering sparkle that lit up the entire garden.

One sunny morning, Lily woke up to find her sparkle missing. She searched high and low, asking her friends, “Have you seen my sparkle?”

Butterfly suggested, “Why not look within yourself, Lily? Sometimes what we seek is right there inside us.” Lily paused and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

As she focused, she felt a warm glow radiating from her heart. Opening her eyes, Lily saw her sparkle slowly appearing, brighter than ever before.

With a sparkle back, Lily realized that the true magic was not in something external but within herself all along.

Morals of Story:
Sometimes the solution to our problems lies within us.
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