Baba - Baba's Bouncing Balloon
Baba's Bouncing Balloon
Baba's Bouncing Balloon
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One sunny morning, Baba was playing in her backyard when something shiny caught her eye. It was a colorful balloon bouncing up and down all by itself!

“Wow, look at that!” Baba exclaimed, filled with wonder. She reached out to touch the balloon, but it bounced higher and higher, just out of her reach.

“Why are you bouncing so high, little balloon?” Baba asked with a giggle. The balloon seemed to dance in the air, teasing her.

Determined to solve the mystery, Baba ran inside and grabbed a bottle of bubbles. She carefully blew the bubbles towards the balloon, hoping to make friends with it.

To her surprise, the balloon started chasing the bubbles, bouncing closer to her with each pop. Baba realized that the balloon loved playing with bubbles and decided to join in the fun.

Together, they danced and giggled until the sun began to set. Baba learned that sometimes, a little curiosity can lead to new friendships and exciting adventures.

Morals of Story:
Curiosity leads to new discoveries.
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