Baba - The Bee and the Sunflower
The Bee and the Sunflower
The Bee and the Sunflower
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Once there was a happy bee named Buzzy, who loved to buzz from flower to flower in the meadow.

One day, Buzzy came across a tall sunflower named Sunny, who was feeling sad because the other flowers didn’t want to be friends with her.

“Hello, Sunny! Why are you so sad?” Buzzy asked with concern.

“I am too tall and my petals block their sunlight,” replied Sunny sadly.

Determined to help, Buzzy buzzed around Sunny, spreading cheerful energy. Soon, the other flowers noticed and felt happy too.

Together, Buzzy and Sunny worked out a plan. Buzzy told the other flowers how Sunny’s height helped protect them from strong winds, and they all became friends.

From that day on, the meadow was filled with laughter and friendship, thanks to Buzzy and Sunny’s kindness.

Morals of Story:
Sharing kindness brings joy to others and ourselves.
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