Baba - Baba's Spilled Milk
Baba's Spilled Milk
Baba's Spilled Milk
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One sunny morning, Baba was exploring the kitchen when she found a shiny jar on the counter. She was curious and decided to open it. Suddenly, the jar slipped from her tiny hands, and milk spilled all over the floor!

“Oh no, what have I done?” cried Baba, feeling worried. She knew she had to clean up the mess before Mama found out. But the spilled milk was spreading quickly.

Baba thought hard and remembered the kitchen towel. She grabbed it and started wiping up the milk. After a few minutes of hard work, the floor was clean again. Baba let out a sigh of relief.

Just then, Mama entered the kitchen and saw Baba standing there with the cleaned-up mess. “Good job, Baba! I’m proud of you for taking responsibility and cleaning up,” Mama said with a warm smile.

Morals of Story:
Be careful with your actions, even a small mistake can lead to big troubles.
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