Baba - The Busy Bunny
The Busy Bunny
The Busy Bunny
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Lily the bunny hopped around the forest, her fluffy tail bouncing with every leap. She loved to play and explore every corner.

One sunny day, Lily met a wise old turtle named Timmy. β€œHello, young one! Why are you always in a hurry?” Timmy asked with a grin.

Lily replied, β€œI want to see everything and play with everyone!” Timmy chuckled, β€œBut you’re missing the beauty around you.”

Confused, Lily stopped hopping and looked around. She noticed the colorful flowers, the chirping birds, and the gentle breeze rustling the leaves.

Slowly, Lily realized that she had been too busy to notice the simple joys of the forest. She thanked Timmy for showing her this new perspective.

Morals of Story:
Sometimes it's important to slow down and appreciate the world around us.
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