Baba - The Curious Caterpillar
The Curious Caterpillar
The Curious Caterpillar
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Oliver’s caterpillar friends laughed at him when he expressed his dream of flying.

Discouraged, Oliver met a wise old bee who encouraged him to follow his curiosity.

Oliver decided to explore the garden and learn from different creatures like the busy ants and colorful butterflies.

With each encounter, Oliver learned something new and exciting, expanding his horizons.

One day, when a storm hit the garden and some butterflies were trapped, Oliver used his newfound knowledge to help them escape.

The butterflies were grateful and, to Oliver’s surprise, they taught him how to make a cocoon.

Patiently waiting inside his cocoon, Oliver transformed into a beautiful butterfly and finally soared into the sky.

Morals of Story:
Curiosity helps us discover new things and grow in our knowledge and understanding.
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