Baba - The Missing Cupcake
The Missing Cupcake
The Missing Cupcake
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Baba skipped into the kitchen, excited to eat her special cupcake. But to her surprise, it was gone! She looked around, puzzled.

β€œMama, where is my cupcake?” Baba asked with a frown. Mama replied, β€œI didn’t eat it. Did you ask Baba the cat if he took it?”

Baba found Baba the cat sleeping under the table. She gently woke him up and asked, β€œBaba, did you eat my cupcake?” Baba the cat meowed in reply.

Feeling a bit sad, Baba decided to search the house. As she peeked into the living room, she saw a trail of crumbs leading to behind the sofa.

Curious, she tiptoed closer and found her missing cupcake half-eaten by a tiny mouse! The mouse looked scared but hungry.

Instead of getting mad, Baba smiled and said, β€œIt’s okay, little friend. Next time, just ask for a piece, okay?”

Morals of Story:
Always ask before taking things that don't belong to you.
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