Baba - The Lost Rainbow Feather
The Lost Rainbow Feather
The Lost Rainbow Feather
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Once upon a time in the lush Lollipop Forest, Mischievous Monkey stumbled upon a shimmering rainbow feather. Giggling with joy, Monkey twirled the feather, creating beautiful rainbow streaks in the sky.

Curious Critter and Playful Parrot saw the colorful display and asked, “Where did you find that magical feather?” Mischievous Monkey hesitated, eyes filled with mischief, before pointing towards the forbidden Mountain of Mysteries.

Eager to unravel the feather’s secret, the trio journeyed to the mountain. As they reached the peak, a fierce storm rolled in, swirling the rainbow feather away into the dark caves.

Despite feeling scared, the friends comforted each other. Playful Parrot suggested using their unique talents to navigate the caves. Mischievous Monkey’s nimble hands, Curious Critter’s sharp eyes, and Playful Parrot’s melodic voice guided them through the twists and turns.

Finally, they found the rainbow feather perched on a crystal pedestal. With a gentle touch, the feather floated back to the sky, painting a magnificent rainbow. The friends cheered, realizing that by working together, they overcame the challenge.

Morals of Story:
Kindness and teamwork can solve problems together.
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