Baba - Baba's Magical Garden
Baba's Magical Garden
Baba's Magical Garden
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One sunny morning, Baba was playing in her backyard, when she stumbled upon a small pouch filled with colorful seeds. “Wow, what are these?” Baba wondered, her eyes filled with curiosity.

She decided to plant the seeds in her tiny garden and water them every day. Days passed, but nothing happened. Baba started to feel a bit disappointed. “Why aren’t the seeds growing, Mama?” she asked with a frown.

Her mama smiled and said, “Patience, my dear Baba. Good things take time.” Baba continued to care for the seeds, singing to them and giving them plenty of sunlight.

One morning, Baba woke up to a magical sight. Her garden was filled with the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen! Each flower shimmered with different colors, and they even danced to Baba’s songs.

Morals of Story:
Patience and kindness can bring delightful surprises.
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