Baba - The Curious Caterpillar
The Curious Caterpillar
The Curious Caterpillar
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Once upon a time in the lush green forest, there was a curious caterpillar named Coco.

Coco loved exploring the colorful flowers and tasting their sweet nectar. One day, Coco’s friends told him it was time to make a cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly.

But Coco was too curious! He wanted to keep playing and discovering new things instead of hiding in a cocoon. So, he decided to delay his transformation.

As days passed, Coco’s friends emerged from their cocoons as stunning butterflies while Coco remained a plain caterpillar.

One evening, a wise old owl visited Coco and gently reminded him of the beauty that awaited him inside the cocoon. Inspired, Coco finally spun his cocoon and waited patiently.

Weeks later, Coco emerged as a breathtaking butterfly, more splendid than he could have ever imagined. His curiosity had led him to a wonderful transformation.

Morals of Story:
Curiosity can lead to new discoveries and growth.
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