Baba - Baba's Blooming Garden
Baba's Blooming Garden
Baba's Blooming Garden
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One sunny morning, Baba walked into her garden and noticed something was wrong. Her colorful flowers were looking sad and droopy, with wilted petals and sagging stems.

“Oh no!” Baba exclaimed, feeling worried. She knew that the big garden show was coming up, and she wanted her flowers to be the most beautiful ones there.

Baba decided to take action. She carefully watered each flower, gently removed any dead leaves, and even sang a little song to cheer them up.

After a few days of diligent care and patience, Baba’s flowers began to perk up. Their petals became vibrant again, and their stems stood tall and strong.

When the day of the garden show arrived, Baba’s garden was a burst of colors and fragrances. Everyone admired her beautiful blooms, and Baba felt proud of her hard work paying off.

Morals of Story:
Patience and care can help things grow strong and beautiful.
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