Baba - Baba's Lost Ribbon
Baba's Lost Ribbon
Baba's Lost Ribbon
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One sunny morning, Baba, a jolly cute little girl, woke up excited to wear her favorite ribbon. But as she searched her room, she realized it was missing.

“Oh no, where did my ribbon go?” Baba exclaimed, feeling a bit worried.

Baba decided to look for the ribbon around the house. She checked under the bed, inside the toy box, and even in the kitchen, but it was nowhere to be found.

Feeling a bit sad, Baba sat in the living room, thinking hard about where the ribbon could be. Suddenly, her little brother, Oli, piped up, “I saw the ribbon in the garden!”

Working together, Baba and Oli rushed to the garden and found the ribbon stuck in a bush. Baba was overjoyed and thanked Oli for his help.

Morals of Story:
Always ask for help when in trouble, working together can solve anything.
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