Baba - The Kind-hearted Caterpillar
The Kind-hearted Caterpillar
The Kind-hearted Caterpillar
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In a lush garden filled with colorful flowers and buzzing bees, lived a little caterpillar named Ruby. All her friends had ordinary wings, but Ruby’s wings were a dazzling shade of purple, shimmering in the sunlight.

One day, while playing with her friends, Ruby’s unique wings caught the attention of a group of mischievous butterflies. They started teasing her, calling her “odd” and “strange”. Ruby felt sad and didn’t understand why her friends were laughing at her.

Feeling upset, Ruby retreated to a quiet corner of the garden. A wise old ladybug named Lily noticed Ruby’s distress and approached her. Lily gently told Ruby, “Your wings may be different, but they are beautiful and special in their own way.”

Encouraged by Lily’s kind words, Ruby gained confidence and returned to her friends. When the bullying butterflies teased her again, Ruby responded with a warm smile and showed them kindness. Surprised by Ruby’s positivity, the butterflies apologized and even complimented her wings.

From that day on, Ruby’s friends learned to appreciate and celebrate her unique wings, and the garden became a place where kindness and acceptance blossomed.

Morals of Story:
Kindness can bring out the best in others, differences are what make us unique.
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