Happy New Year! 🎉
- Written on January 5, 2024


Hello again, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Feliz Ano Novo!

May all our wishes come true this year!

Reflecting back 2023

Reflecting on 2023, it was quite a rollercoaster, as some friends experienced significant ups and downs. A friend who was once struggling with suicidal thoughts unexpectedly turned joyful and better. One marriage turned against each other due to a simple miscommunication, leading to irreparable consequences not because of the problem itself but due to their reactions. Another new marriages, another fistfights, another event failed miserably, and some football competitions. It was wild.

As for me? To be frank 2023 for me stands out as the best year since like 2018, in term of self-fulfillment.

From 2018 to years after, sure I did got career and skill improvements in those years, but honestly life felt empty and boring especially during the COVID years with bad health and habits. I don’t really learn anything new those years so yeah life felt kinda boring like we’re just being floating in a shallow slow current.

In 2023 though, in Q4, I decided to take a fresh start, jumping into the unknown sea. Which probably transaltes to people and swimming pool haha. I saw many dramas arose. Some are pretty bitter and emotional dramas, but seeing back into those boring years, somehow I find the bitterness are kinda refreshing haha. All in all, I can say I’m happy with 2023.

For those still having hard times

To those who faced challenges in 2023, keep pushing through. The tech winter and numerous layoffs may have impacted families, but I hope you regain everything and bounce back even stronger.

While I don’t see New Year as a massive milestone (tbh its just another Q4 to another Q1), but it’s still a new empty page flipped upon us.

Let’s take a pen.

Let’s write many good things on this page.


PS. I really intended to write a technical article, but alas the New Year greeting sway me a detour wkw